Living with diabetes: Here’s what you need to know before setting out to exercise

 Living with diabetes: Here’s what you need to know before setting out to exercise

Leading a healthy lifestyle is important, especially if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, which requires a lot of discipline in terms of what you eat and how active of a lifestyle you lead.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines diabetes as a “chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy”. It explains that the human body breaks down the food that we eat into sugar (glucose), and then releases it into the bloodstream. And that when the blood sugar goes up, it signals the pancreas to release insulin, which acts like a key to let the blood sugar into your body’s cells for use as energy.
When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, their body does not make enough insulin or cannot use it as well as it should. And in the absence of sufficient insulin, too much blood sugar can stay in the bloodstream. The CDC warns that in case it is not taken care of, it can lead to serious health problems like heart diseases, vision loss and even kidney disease.
While there are broadly three main types of diabetes — type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes that happens during pregnancy — experts say that exercising can cut down the risk of additional health scares associated with this disease, and that it is a key component of diabetes management.

Mayo Clinic, a health care company, explains that when a diabetic person exercises, they:

– Improve their blood sugar levels.
– Boost their overall fitness.
– Manage their weight.
– Reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke.
– Improve their well-being.
Previously, nutritionist Munmun Garewal had explained in an Instagram post that according to the American Diabetes Association, a diabetic is advised to perform 150 minutes/week of exercise. Incorporating strength training into the workout routine is crucial to increase insulin sensitivity. Structured and progressive strength training improves how the body uses insulin and allows glucose to get around the body better.
But, what about blood sugar level? Should that be monitored, too? What should a diabetic person keep in mind before setting out to exercise?

To find answers to these questions, we reached out to Dr Rakesh Kumar Prasad, senior consultant — endocrinology — Fortis Hospital, Noida, who said that since diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder, “adoption and maintenance of physical activity are important for blood glucose management”. “Exercise is a planned, structured physical activity and precautions vary depending on individual health status; challenges related to blood glucose management, however, vary with diabetes type,” he added.
According to Dr Prasad, cardio-metabolic exercise involves repeated and continuous movement of large muscle groups — such as walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming. On the other hand, resistance training — exercises with free weights, weight machines, and body weight — can better the glucose levels, reduce fat mass and blood pressure, and improve strength and lean body mass.

“Universally, 30 minutes of exercise for at least five days a week is recommended for all diabetic patients. Patients who have a sedentary lifestyle with prolonged sitting hours, should have interruptions of brief periods (≤5 minutes), bouts of standing up or light-intensity ambulation every 20–30 minutes to improve glucose control,” said the doctor, adding that it is important to check blood sugar levels prior to exercise.

“If the levels are below 90 mg/dl, then 15 to 30 gm of fast-acting sugars should be taken prior to exercise. An ideal level of blood glucose [level] prior to exercise is between 140-180mg/dl.”

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Adding to this, Dr Mahesh Chavan, endocrinologist and diabetologist at Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai told this outlet that a diabetic person needs to keep in mind that if their sugar levels are below 70 mg/dl, it is recognised as hypoglycemia, which can be mild, moderate, or severe. “In case it is severe hypoglycemia, the patient can become unconscious or even comatose, and may require a third-party intervention.

“High sugar level is anything above 300-400 mg/dl, and very high is above 500 mg/dl. Usually, nobody checks their sugar level before they exercise, unless the patient is on insulin. Ideally, what we recommend to patients is that before they begin exercising, they must eat something — either a biscuit or an almond, or even walnuts — because exercise is like insulin,” Chavan said, adding that it can control blood sugar levels if done regularly.


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